Anyone able to help?

on Jun 02, 2004
Yeah, uncheck the box in the lower left corner of OD config. Then it wont start automaticly.
on Jun 02, 2004
Hmmm... Thanks but thats not exactly what i was looking for, i probably didnt explain myself clear enough...

I would like it to still start automatically when my PC starts up, but i want to delay it until after the conventional Windows system tray is loaded fully. The reason is that im getting multiple instances of icons in my ObjectDock Tray docklet. It seems to be picking up, for example, Norton AntiVirus both in its disabled state and then also when it enables itself at system startup, hence giving me 2 icons. I was hoping that if i could delay the startup of ObjectDock by, say, 10 seconds that it wouldnt pick up the disabled and enabled states of ome of the Windows tray applications...

I hope that explains it a bit clearererer...

[Message Edited]
on Jun 02, 2004
Hmm...I understand what you mean now. Thats a good question. What you might try, is emailing AndreasV, or Nimix, and seeing if they''ll build you a docklet that will delay the appearance of the SysTray docklet for..say..20 seconds or so. It might be handy to have an automatic docklet starter like that. Hmm...this just gave me a cool idea.
[Message Edited]
on Jun 02, 2004
Ahh, now were getting somewhere! I reckon your suggestion is better, to have a delay on the docklet rather than the whole dock, anyway ill Email the guys and see if i can resolve this somehow, im not much of a codehead myself so i wouldnt even know where to start with that stuff! Thanks for your help so far! What was the idea that came to you, or is it top secret?

on Jun 02, 2004
I posted it in another thread, concerning Docklet ideas and stuff.