Published on February 25, 2007 By Ronan H In DesktopX
I have a Flash movie that i want to bring into a DX theme im working on. I don't want to just have a shortcut to the file though. I would like to be able to display the movie in the top right hand corner of the screen, and obviously it would need to be functional too, as in i would need to be able to use the movie as if it were on a website etc...

I was reading a thread which touched on this but it was really about another issue so i thought i would create a separate thread for it.

Maybe its not even possible? I dunno, but im sure someone out there does, so if they are watching, please share the knowledge as this would be a great addition to my theme...

Thanks ever so much...

Ronan H
on Feb 26, 2007
The way I usually do stuff like this is to create an object that uses the browser activeX control and have that load the source file for the video.

I created a simple widget that palyed a SWF video (bloodmobile.swf) using the code below:

'Called when the script is executed
Sub Object_OnScriptEnter
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(workFolder & "bloodmobile.swf") = False Then
objFSO.CopyFile Object.Directory & "bloodmobile.swf", workFolder & "virtual-bubblewrap-distv1.1.swf"
End If
Control.Navigate2 Object.Directory & "bloodmobile.swf"
End Sub

'Called when the script is terminated
Sub Object_OnScriptExit

End Sub

I had to embed the swf file using the Summary tab in the DX object by clicking the Custom File button.
on Feb 27, 2007
Thanks Zubaz, ill give that a shot an see what happens.

Actually since i started this thread i found a widget that plays .SWF files and modified it to my needs and it works great. I think it uses the Web Control or something like that? The .SWF file isnt embedded via the Custom Files though, its just called from the script so it loads automatically and it can be changed in the script to point to a web based .SWF or a local one.

I have uploaded the new file to WC so it will take a couple of days to go live if they accept it. Im still gonna have a look at your suggestion though and see how it goes. Thanks for the knowledge...

Ronan H
on Feb 27, 2007
The advantage of embedding the swf is that a user doesn't have to have a web connection, doesn't have to worry about that swf still being there. or have that particular swf in a particular file location.

Glad your version worked.
on Mar 02, 2007
Yes thats very true, nothing more annoying than a hosted file that is no longer hosted! Anyway the version i made is in the DX Objects gallery now so ya can have a look if you are interested, and i must say im chuffed to see my first proper contribution to WC live for all the world to see. I think I've caught the bug...

Simple Flash Player

Once again, thanks for the wise words...
