Is it possible?
Published on February 8, 2007 By Ronan H In DesktopX
I'm talking about the standard menu that pops up when you right click on the desktop, away from any objects etc... I really don't like the menu and from what I've read in another post, the ability to get rid of it no longer exists so I'm wondering if its possible to customize it at all? Its really bugging me, it takes away from the themes i think...


Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 22, 2007
The right click menu in question loads automatically under the following conditions you have a DX theme loaded and you have the standard windows desktop icons disabled(not visible). I don't know of anyway to modify it. But if you have the standard windows icons visible it won't load so that tells me there is a way to disable it and it may be possible to disable it in a script.

Aha! You see, I have always had the icons visible.
BUT! It turned the desktop background black! Vista RTM, DX Pro.
on Feb 22, 2007
The right click menu in question loads automatically under the following conditions you have a DX theme loaded and you have the standard windows desktop icons disabled(not visible).

Now were getting somewhere! Well observed big footed dog .

That is indeed the case. Under those circumstances its the standard Windows desktop right click menu that appears, which is at least a small improvement from the DX right click menu. At least it inherits the WB skin... Now im going to experiment with a combination of all of the above and throw the RightClick application in the mix and see if i can get a result that i am happy with! Ill be back...


Update: OK, so heres my findings. In short, RightClick seems to have saved the day. I loaded it and tested it with desktop icons both hidden and visible, and in either case (regardless of if you are in DX Client or DX Builder mode) when you click on a section of the screen NOT occupied by DX objects, widgets etc... as per the diagram posted earlier in the thread, the Stardock RC menu over-rides the ugly DX right click menu. Therefore i can fully customize it to my liking, it will inherit my WB skin, and my issue is solved.

This of course i am chuffed with. However, it doesnt take away from the fact that now i have an extra program loaded in memory in order to solve the problem. Luckily RightClick is a small app and doesn't take up much memory, but its the principle of the matter that im trying to get across, the fact that the right click menu in DX is not customizable in any way, and if a user really doesnt like it they will have to load an extra program to get rid of it. Had RightClick been a CPU intensive application this wouldnt have been a viable workaround, so again i think it should be a feature of future DX releases that the menu can in some way be either customized or disabled at the users preference. I doubt that this would be a big deal, probably just a small piece of code i would think...

Anyway, thanks to you all for helping me out, this is what i love about WinCustomize, people share their experiences and inevitably you can find a solution, get to know a few people and everyone goes away smiling! Knowledge is power, sharing knowledge is powerful!


Image Update: Check out the new screenshot with lovely foxy RightClick menu:

on Feb 22, 2007
The right click menu in question loads automatically under the following conditions you have a DX theme loaded and you have the standard windows desktop icons disabled(not visible).

Is this disabled via DTX or via standard right click, uncheck show desktop icons?

Just curious, not at home to try - did notice last night running a them I didn't get the right click menu and I don't have the desktop icons showing, but they are disable via the standard right click destktop.... not via DTX - but I spent most of the time right clicking various stuff in client and builder trying to figure out how to get the menu back - didn't even think about the desktop icons being a factor
on Feb 22, 2007
The right click menu in question loads automatically under the following conditions you have a DX theme loaded and you have the standard windows desktop icons disabled(not visible).

Is this disabled via DTX or via standard right click, uncheck show desktop icons?

Flick into DX Builder mode,
right click system tray icon,
click on "Configure DesktopX Builder",
click the "Desktop" tab and on that screen you should have check boxes to enable / disable desktop icons and taskbar...

From what you said Bichur it seems strange that the menu disappeared, if only i could have made that happen on my machine, that would have solved all my woes if it would just go away .

Nice avatar by the way!

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