Back in April when OD 1.3 was released ( see link to thread below ), i posted a problem ( see posts 24, 25, 26 and 32 of thread ) i was having with the docks on the bottom of the screen "jumping" or "shifting" upwards about 30px on the screen anytime a new icon was added to, or taken away to/from the dock by a program etc...
https://www.wincustomize.com/articles.aspx?SID=1&AID=114699&c=1#894416Unfortunately i am still having the problem. I have taken 2 screen grabs to show what is happening. The first one shows the docks as normal, sitting on the bottom of the screen, also showing the version of OD that i am running. The second one shows the dock after it has moved. Now i mentioned earlier that it happens when a program adds or removes an icon but in this instance it just happened when i pulled out the power cable from my laptop to let it run on battery power.
Image 1:
http://homepage.eircom.net/~rhnet/Screen1.jpgImage 2:
http://homepage.eircom.net/~rhnet/Screen2.jpgI hope this highlights whats going on for me. Its not a major issue i suppose but its enough to have mede me resort to the standard Windows Taskbar, which i hate, so i would love to get some help with this.
Incidentally, according to Stardock Central i am using version 1.30.022 of OD+, which i i just installed a few days ago, with the problem remaining the same...
I had some feedback from Developer JMB1984 in the initial thread above so if you could help me out again and have a look at this it would be great...