...its still happening...please read on...
Published on June 24, 2006 By Ronan H In ObjectDock

Back in April when OD 1.3 was released ( see link to thread below ), i posted a problem ( see posts 24, 25, 26 and 32 of thread ) i was having with the docks on the bottom of the screen "jumping" or "shifting" upwards about 30px on the screen anytime a new icon was added to, or taken away to/from the dock by a program etc...


Unfortunately i am still having the problem.  I have taken 2 screen grabs to show what is happening.  The first one shows the docks as normal, sitting on the bottom of the screen, also showing the version of OD that i am running.  The second one shows the dock after it has moved.  Now i mentioned earlier that it happens when a program adds or removes an icon but in this instance it just happened when i pulled out the power cable from my laptop to let it run on battery power.

Image 1:  http://homepage.eircom.net/~rhnet/Screen1.jpg
Image 2:  http://homepage.eircom.net/~rhnet/Screen2.jpg

I hope this highlights whats going on for me.  Its not a major issue i suppose but its enough to have mede me resort to the standard Windows Taskbar, which i hate, so i would love to get some help with this.

Incidentally, according to Stardock Central i am using version 1.30.022 of OD+, which i i just installed a few days ago, with the problem remaining the same...

I had some feedback from Developer JMB1984 in the initial thread above so if you could help me out again and have a look at this it would be great...



on Jun 24, 2006
This is just a wild guess not based on any testing. Try unhiding your taskbar, moving it to the top of your desktop(or a side that doesnt have a dock on it), then rehide it.
on Jun 24, 2006
This is just a wild guess not based on any testing. Try unhiding your taskbar, moving it to the top of your desktop(or a side that doesnt have a dock on it), then rehide it.

BING BING BING - You are todays jackpot winner! How simple was that eh? Thank you SO much for that simple but wonderful intervention! What made you think of it if you dont mind me asking?

This is something i have only noticed since the advent of OD+ 1.3 (i think) so there might be a need to look at that in future updates...

Again thank you so much, this has been at me for months... Goodbye Windows Taskbar!


on Jun 24, 2006
The fact that it was "jumping" to about where the top of the taskbar would be if it were visible, made me think it was having a problem with the taskbar hiding.
on Jun 24, 2006
That makes sense, i do wonder why it started happening as i had been using that configuration for months and months, but i spose they will isolate it in further re;eases...

Thanks again.

on Jun 24, 2006
In ObjectDock Properties > Positioning, is "Automatic distance from edge" enabled?
on Jun 24, 2006
Hi Koasati, i see you around here a lot, you got some good stuff to say and i like your pixelwork too, well done

Yes, for all of my docks the "Automatic distance..." box is checked. Would you think that (or having it unchecked) might cause the problem i was having earlier? There seems to be something up with the relationship between docks and the Windows Taskbar being on the same edge of the screen. Thankfully i did get it resolved but im still interested to know why it would happen. I doubt that i am the only person this has happened to, out of the thousands of OD+ users. At least i would hope not, coz then it might mean theres a problem on my system

Anyway, good doin business with ya. Im goin asleep now. Its after midnight here in the Emerald Isle, my pregnant wife is snoring beside me, and my arse is totally numb from the way im sitting! So much for safe ergonomics...


on Jun 24, 2006
Hi Koasati, i see you around here a lot, you got some good stuff to say and i like your pixelwork too, well done


Yes, for all of my docks the "Automatic distance..." box is checked. Would you think that (or having it unchecked) might cause the problem i was having earlier?

Disabling the option will permnantly fix the issue. The feature is meant to keep the dock above the taskbar. If you didn't have OD set to hide the taskbar, the dock would set just above the taskbar.
But it's a bit buggy, and makes the dock jump when changes happen in the taskbar even when it's hidden. The reason moving the taskbar works is that there's no dock associated with it now. If you had a dock in the same area, it would jump also.

Hope that makes sense....

on Jun 27, 2006
Aahhh... *** massive breath of fresh air ***

That makes perfect sense, im just kicking myself that i never copped that myself! I have been into the settings so many times and never caught it...

Well its truly sorted now as far as i can see, thank you very very much for your wise words, to both of you actually. This is why i love this website, people are always willing to help and willing to share ideas, i love it, i love it!

All the best sir...
