The topic is back again...
OK, every so often this comes up for me. Its a feature i would absolutely LOVE to see in OD+. It would make my complete replacement of the Windows Start Bar & System Tray complete. Seeing as we are in the midst of major updates in OD+ i thought i owuld bring it up again and see if its fruitful. I assume most people know what i am talking about but ill go through it again just in case...
Go back to a time when there was no such thing as OD+ or anything similar on Windows. On a laptop for example you had your generic battery icon which would change visually depending on how much power you had left. Obviously not a very pretty icon, very pixellated etc...
Now take today when we have OD+ and such like, we can have beautiful colourful, crisp icons thanks to the fabulous talented artists in the WC Community... All with me? OK, say you replace your Windows Start Bar with (in my case) a Start Menu Docklet on the botom left corner, a dock with open programs on the bottom centre of the screen, and finally a dock in the bottom right cornet with just the system tray in it.
Fine and dandy, now i replace all the staic icons with fancy ones from Jairo B and the like, and then i come to my battery icon, which changes state. I can replace it with a single static icon representing a battery, as i have done, but it doesnt change visually as the power in the machine dwindles or increases. THIS is what i would like to see in OD+, as im sure many many others would.
Now im aware that there are many docklets that do this by themselves, but i cant put them into my system tray dock, the best i can do is a static image. So i guess what i am saying is that it would be great if it was possible to replace the battery icon with state changing images, or better still, a docklet that does the job.
And obviously its not just the battery icon, there are many other programs that sink icons into the system tray that change state also, so the same would be nice for them...
So there ye go, shout loud if this is something that you would like to see, because i know i would. Any feedback would be great. OD+ developers, keep up the good work. Its the best program i have seen in 12 years of computing!!!
Ronan H